Friday, February 8, 2019

A Good Week

This week, we have learned about the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness and about being fishers of men. We watched and discussed this video on Christ. The kids did a fun activity today with chalk, glue, and construction paper today.

We also finished up our daily journal entries for the week. Here are our answers to the questions (answers are in no particular order):

Monday: Where is a place you feel close to God? Temple, church, home

Tuesday: How can you resist temptations you might feel: read a book, have alone time, play, be nice, listen to good music, say a prayer, read scriptures, be reverent, share the Gospel

Wednesday: Who is stronger, Jesus or Satan? Jesus  How can I be stronger than Satan? Tell the truth, be nice, pray, love others, memorize scriptures & good songs

Thursday: How can I have the courage to stand up for what's right, even if it makes others upset? pray, be nice, tell the truth, say no, preach, learn what's right & used that knowledge to teach others

Friday: What can you give up to follow Jesus? Being a bad boy, bad thoughts, Satan's love, Satan's temptations, selfishness, bad habits

We are really enjoying studying and discussing the scriptures together. It's so nice to not have to beg the kids to come to the table; they are asking to do it!!!

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